
非標準環境でのwolfCryptテストおよびベンチマークアプリケーションの構築に関するご質問が当社のサポートチームに複数回よせられています。私たちはこうした人々のための課題解決策を提供しています! wolfSSL組み込みSSL/TLSライブラリには、これらのアプリケーションが両方とも付属しているため、ユーザはwolfSSLを目的のプラットフォームで起動、実行させることができます。

typedef struct func_args {
 int argc;
 char** argv;
 int return_code;
} func_args;
/* ... other code ... */
int main (void)
    /* other function declarations */
    func_args args;
    /* ... system setup and initialization ... */
    /* for wolfcrypt test app: */
    ret = wolfcrypt_test(&args);
    /* for benchmark app: */
    /* ret = benchmark_test(&args); */
    if (ret != 0) {
        printf("wolfCrypt tests failed!\n")
        printf("test returned error code: %d\n", ret);
        printf("the crypto error code was: %d\n", args.return_code);
    } else {
        printf("crypto tests PASSED!\n");
    while (1)
        /* Application code TODO: Logic here */

ECC_USER_CURVES (and related defines)

/* Other defines as determined from the wolfSSL porting guide found here:
 * https://wolfssl.com/wolfSSL/Docs-wolfssl-porting-guide.html
/* Purpose:
 * If running the wolfcrypt/benchmark/benchmark.c
 * app will reduce stack use for embedded devices
/* Purpose:
 * Embedded systems already have a main method typically
 * will remove the "main" in benchmark.c and test.c
/* Purpose:
 * If working on a 32-bit system, it will sometimes use 2x 32-bit types to execute 64-bit
 * math operations which greatly slows down computation time. This define can speeds
 * things up. Commented by default, uncomment if computation speeds are too slow.
/* #define NO_64BIT */
/* Begin RSA Section */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* Uncomment the define for NO_RSA to remove RSA */
/* #define NO_RSA */
#ifndef NO_RSA
    #error "Please set RSA key size then comment out or delete this line."
    /* XXXX should be "2048" for 2048 bit RSA keys
     * XXXX should be "1024" for 1024 bit RSA keys
     * IE choose one of the following to uncomment
    /* #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048 */
    /* #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 */
     * the certificate buffers can be found in <wolfssl-root>/wolfssl/test_certs.h
    /* Purpose:
     * To reduce stack based on RSA key size chosen
    #ifdef USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024
        #define FP_MAX_BITS 2048 /* (RSA key size selected x2) */
    #elif defined(USE_CERT_BUFFERS_2048)
        #define FP_MAX_BITS 4096
    #endif /* USE_CERT_BUFFERS_1024 */
#endif /* NO_RSA */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* End File System and RSA section */
/* Begin ECC Section */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* Purpose:
 * enable ECC. Comment to remove ECC
#define HAVE_ECC
#ifdef HAVE_ECC
    #define ECC_TIMING_RESISTANT /* See explenation for TFM_TIMING_RESISTANT */
    #define USE_CERT_BUFFERS_256 /* for ecc, see File System and RSA Section above */
    /* the certificate buffers can be found in <wolfssl-root>/wolfssl/test_certs.h
    /* Purpose:
     * Reduce ECC memory use
    #define ALT_ECC_SIZE
    /* Purpose:
     * Only allow for 256-bit ecc keys by default. To remove support for 256-bit ECC keys
     * uncomment the next line.
    /* #define NO_ECC256 */
     * A list of supported ECC curves is included below, uncomment as desired.
     * For other ECC defines see <wolfssl-root>/wolfcrypt/src/ecc.c
    #define ECC_USER_CURVES
    /* #define HAVE_ECC112 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC128 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC160 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC192 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC224 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC239 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC320 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC384 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC512 */
    /* #define HAVE_ECC521 */
#endif /* HAVE_ECC */
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
/* End ECC Section */

さらに詳しい情報は弊社問い合わせ窓口 (info@wolfssl.com, info@wolfssl.jp: 日本語)までお問い合わせください。
原文: https://www.wolfssl.com/wolfssl-test-benchmark-applications-non-standard-environment/
wolfSSLホーム:www.wolfssl.jp (English:www.wolfssl.com)