6.1 HandShake Callback
wolfSSL has an extension that allows a HandShake Callback to be set for connect or accept. This can be useful in embedded systems for debugging support when another debugger isn’t available and sniffing is impractical. To use wolfSSL HandShake Callbacks, use the extended functions, wolfSSL_connect_ex() and wolfSSL_accept_ex():
int wolfSSL_connect_ex(WOLFSSL*, HandShakeCallBack, TimeoutCallBack,
int wolfSSL_accept_ex(WOLFSSL*, HandShakeCallBack, TimeoutCallBack,
HandShakeCallBack is defined as:
typedef int (*HandShakeCallBack)(HandShakeInfo*);
HandShakeInfo is defined in wolfssl/callbacks.h (which should be added to a non-standard build):
typedef struct handShakeInfo_st {
char cipherName[MAX_CIPHERNAME_SZ + 1]; /*negotiated name */
/* SSL packet names */
int numberPackets; /*actual # of packets */
int negotiationError; /*cipher/parameter err */
} HandShakeInfo;
No dynamic memory is used since the maximum number of SSL packets in a handshake exchange is known. Packet names can be accessed through packetNames[idx] up to numberPackets. The callback will be called whether or not a handshake error occurred. Example usage is also in the client example.
6.2 Timeout Callback
The same extensions used with wolfSSL Handshake Callbacks can be used for wolfSSL Timeout Callbacks as well. These extensions can be called with either, both, or neither callbacks (Handshake and/or Timeout). TimeoutCallback is defined as:
typedef int (*TimeoutCallBack)(TimeoutInfo*);
Where TimeoutInfo looks like:
typedef struct timeoutInfo_st {
char timeoutName[MAX_TIMEOUT_NAME_SZ +1]; /*timeout Name*/
int flags; /* for future use*/
int numberPackets; /*actual # of packets */
PacketInfo packets[MAX_PACKETS_HANDSHAKE]; /*list of packets */
Timeval timeoutValue; /*timer that caused it */
} TimeoutInfo;
Again, no dynamic memory is used for this structure since a maximum number of SSL packets is known for a handshake. Timeval is just a typedef for struct timeval.
PacketInfo is defined like this:
typedef struct packetInfo_st {
char packetName[MAX_PACKETNAME_SZ + 1]; /* SSL name */
Timeval timestamp; /* when it occured */
unsigned char value[MAX_VALUE_SZ]; /* if fits, it's here */
unsigned char* bufferValue; /* otherwise here (non 0) */
int valueSz; /* sz of value or buffer */
} PacketInfo;
Here, dynamic memory may be used. If the SSL packet can fit in value then that's where it's placed. valueSz holds the length and bufferValue is 0. If the packet is too big for value, only Certificate packets should cause this, then the packet is placed in bufferValue. valueSz still holds the size.
If memory is allocated for a Certificate packet then it is reclaimed after the callback returns. The timeout is implemented using signals, specifically SIGALRM, and is thread safe. If a previous alarm is set of type ITIMER_REAL then it is reset, along with the correct handler, afterwards. The old timer will be time adjusted for any time wolfSSL spends processing. If an existing timer is shorter than the passed timer, the existing timer value is used. It is still reset afterwards. An existing timer that expires will be reset if has an interval associated with it. The callback will only be issued if a timeout occurs.
See the client example for usage.
6.3 User Atomic Record Layer Processing
wolfSSL provides Atomic Record Processing callbacks for users who wish to have more control over MAC/encrypt and decrypt/verify functionality during the SSL/TLS connection.
The user will need to define 2 functions:
- MAC/encrypt callback function
- Decrypt/verify callback function
These two functions are prototyped by CallbackMacEncrypt and CallbackDecryptVerify in ssl.h:
typedef int (*CallbackMacEncrypt)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
unsigned char* macOut,const unsigned char* macIn,
unsigned int macInSz,int macContent, int macVerify,
unsigned char* encOut, const unsigned char* encIn,
unsigned int encSz,void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackDecryptVerify)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
unsigned char* decOut, const unsigned char* decIn,
unsigned int decSz, int content, int verify,
unsigned int* padSz, void* ctx);
The user needs to write and register these functions per wolfSSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX) with wolfSSL_CTX_SetMacEncryptCb() and wolfSSL_CTX_SetDecryptVerifyCb().
The user can set a context per WOLFSSL object (session) with wolfSSL_SetMacEncryptCtx() and wolfSSL_SetDecryptVerifyCtx(). This context may be a pointer to any user-specified context, which will then in turn be passed back to the MAC/encrypt and decrypt/verify callbacks through the “void* ctx” parameter.
- Example callbacks can be found in wolfssl/test.h, under myMacEncryptCb() and myDecryptVerifyCb(). Usage can be seen in the wolfSSL example client (examples/client/client.c), when using the “-U” command line option.
To use Atomic Record Layer callbacks, wolfSSL needs to be compiled using the “--enable-atomicuser” configure option, or by defining the ATOMIC_USER preprocessor flag.
6.4 Public Key Callbacks
wolfSSL provides Public Key callbacks for users who wish to have more control over ECC sign/verify functionality as well as RSA sign/verify and encrypt/decrypt functionality during the SSL/TLS connection.
The user can optionally define 7 functions:
- ECC sign callback
- ECC verify callback
- ECC shared secret callback
- RSA sign callback
- RSA verify callback
- RSA encrypt callback
- RSA decrypt callback
These two functions are prototyped by CallbackEccSign, CallbackEccVerify, CallbackEccSharedSecret, CallbackRsaSign, CallbackRsaVerify, CallbackRsaEnc, and CallbackRsaDec in ssl.h:
typedef int (*CallbackEccSign)(WOLFSSL* ssl, const unsigned
char* in, unsigned int inSz, unsigned char* out,
unsigned int* outSz, const unsigned char* keyDer,
unsigned int keySz, void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackEccVerify)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
const unsigned char* sig, unsigned int sigSz,
const unsigned char* hash, unsigned int hashSz,
const unsigned char* keyDer, unsigned int keySz,
int* result, void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackEccSharedSecret)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
struct ecc_key* otherKey,
unsigned char* pubKeyDer, unsigned int* pubKeySz,
unsigned char* out, unsigned int* outlen,
int side, void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackRsaSign)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inSz,
unsigned char* out, unsigned int* outSz,
const unsigned char* keyDer, unsigned int keySz,
void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackRsaVerify)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
unsigned char* sig, unsigned int sigSz,
unsigned char** out, const unsigned char* keyDer,
unsigned int keySz, void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackRsaEnc)(WOLFSSL* ssl,
const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inSz,
Unsigned char* out, unsigned int* outSz,
const unsigned char* keyDer,
unsigned int keySz, void* ctx);
typedef int (*CallbackRsaDec)(WOLFSSL* ssl, unsigned char* in,
unsigned int inSz, unsigned char** out,
const unsigned char* keyDer, unsigned int keySz,
void* ctx);
The user needs to write and register these functions per wolfSSL context (WOLFSSL_CTX) with wolfSSL_CTX_SetEccSignCb(), wolfSSL_CTX_SetEccVerifyCb(), wolfSSL_CTX_SetEccSharedSecretCb(), wolfSSL_CTX_SetRsaSignCb(), wolfSSL_CTX_SetRsaVerifyCb(), wolfSSL_CTX_SetRsaEncCb(), and wolfSSL_CTX_SetRsaDecCb().
The user can set a context per WOLFSSL object (session) with wolfSSL_SetEccSignCtx(), wolfSSL_SetEccVerifyCtx(), wolfSSL_SetEccSharedSecretCtx(), wolfSSL_SetRsaSignCtx(), wolfSSL_SetRsaVerifyCtx(), wolfSSL_SetRsaEncCtx(), and wolfSSL_SetRsaDecCtx(). These contexts may be pointers to any user-specified context, which will then in turn be passed back to the respective public key callback through the “void* ctx” parameter.
Example callbacks can be found in wolfssl/test.h, under myEccSign(), myEccVerify(), myEccSharedSecret(), myRsaSign(), myRsaVerify(), myRsaEnc(), and myRsaDec(). Usage can be seen in the wolfSSL example client (examples/client/client.c), when using the “-P” command line option.
To use Atomic Record Layer callbacks, wolfSSL needs to be compiled using the --enable-pkcallbacks configure option, or by defining the HAVE_PK_CALLBACKS preprocessor flag.