Appendix C: Error Codes
C.1 wolfSSL Error Codes
wolfSSL error codes can be found in wolfssl/ssl.h. For detailed descriptions of the following errors, see the OpenSSL man page for SSL_get_error (man SSL_get_error).
Error Code Enum | Error Code | Error Description |
Additional wolfSSL error codes can be found in wolfssl/error-ssl.h.
Error Code Enum | Error Code | Error Description |
PREFIX_ERROR | -202 | bad index to key rounds |
MEMORY_ERROR | -203 | out of memory |
VERIFY_FINISHED_ERROR | -204 | verify problem on finished |
VERIFY_MAC_ERROR | -205 | verify mac problem |
PARSE_ERROR | -206 | parse error on header |
UNKNOWN_HANDSHAKE_TYPE | -207 | weird handshake type |
SOCKET_ERROR_E | -208 | error state on socket |
SOCKET_NODATA | -209 | expected data, not there |
INCOMPLETE_DATA | -210 | don't have enough data to complete task |
UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE | -211 | unknown type in record hdr |
DECRYPT_ERROR | -212 | expected data, not there |
FATAL_ERROR | -213 | recvd altert fatal |
ENCRYPT_ERROR | -214 | error during encryption |
FREAD_ERROR | -215 | fread problem |
NO_PEER_KEY | -216 | need peer's key |
NO_PRIVATE_KEY | -217 | need the private key |
RSA_PRIVATE_ERROR | -218 | error during rsa priv op |
NO_DH_PARAMS | -219 | server missing DH params |
BUILD_MSG_ERROR | -220 | build message failure |
BAD_HELLO | -221 | client hello malformed |
DOMAIN_NAME_MISMATCH | -222 | peer subject name mismatch |
WANT_READ | -223 | want read, call again |
NOT_READY_ERROR | -224 | handshake layer not ready |
PMS_VERSION_ERROR | -225 | pre m secret version error |
VERSION_ERROR | -226 | record layer version error |
WANT_WRITE | -227 | want write, call again |
BUFFER_ERROR | -228 | malformed buffer input |
VERIFY_CERT_ERROR | -229 | verify cert error |
VERIFY_SIGN_ERROR | -230 | verify sign error |
CLIENT_ID_ERROR | -231 | psk client identity error |
SERVER_HINT_ERROR | -232 | psk server hint error |
PSK_KEY_ERROR | -233 | psk key error |
ZLIB_INIT_ERROR | -234 | zlib init error |
ZLIB_COMPRESS_ERROR | -235 | zlib compression error |
ZLIB_DECOMPRESS_ERROR | -236 | zlib decompression error |
GETTIME_ERROR | -237 | gettimeofday failed ??? |
GETITIMER_ERROR | -238 | getitimer failed ??? |
SIGACT_ERROR | -239 | sigaction failed ??? |
SETITIMER_ERROR | -240 | setitimer failed ??? |
LENGTH_ERROR | -241 | record layer length error |
PEER_KEY_ERROR | -242 | can't decode peer key |
ZERO_RETURN | -243 | peer sent close notify |
SIDE_ERROR | -244 | wrong client/server type |
NO_PEER_CERT | -245 | peer didnt' send key |
NTRU_KEY_ERROR | -246 | NTRU key error |
NTRU_DRBG_ERROR | -247 | NTRU drbg error |
NTRU_ENCRYPT_ERROR | -248 | NTRU encrypt error |
NTRU_DECRYPT_ERROR | -249 | NTRU decrypt error |
BAD_MUTEX_ERROR | -256 | Bad mutex |
UNSUPPORTED_SUITE | -260 | unsupported cipher suite |
MATCH_SUITE_ERROR | -261 | can't match cipher suite |
C.2 wolfCrypt Error Codes
wolfCrypt error codes can be found in wolfssl/wolfcrypt/error-crypt.h.
Error Code Enum | Error Code | Error Description |
OPEN_RAN_E | -101 | opening random device error |
READ_RAN_E | -102 | reading random device error |
WINCRYPT_E | -103 | windows crypt init error |
CRYPTGEN_E | -104 | windows crypt generation error |
RAN_BLOCK_E | -105 | reading random device would block |
MP_INIT_E | -110 | mp_init error state |
MP_READ_E | -111 | mp_read error state |
MP_EXPTMOD_E | -112 | mp_expotmod error state |
MP_TO_E | -113 | mp_to_xxx error state, can't convert |
MP_SUB_E | -114 | mp_sub error state, can't subtract |
MP_ADD_E | -115 | mp_add error state, can't add |
MP_MUL_E | -116 | mp_mul error state, can't multiply |
MP_MULMOD_E | -117 | mp_mulmod error state, can't multiply mod |
MP_MOD_E | -118 | mp_mod error state, can't mod |
MP_INVMOD_E | -119 | mp_invmod error state, can't inv mod |
MP_CMP_E | -120 | mp_cmp error state |
MP_ZERO_E | -121 | got a mp zero result, not expected |
MEMORY_E | -125 | out of memory error |
RSA_WRONG_TYPE_E | -130 | RSA wrong block type for RSA function |
RSA_BUFFER_E | -131 | RSA buffer error, output too small or input too large |
BUFFER_E | -132 | output buffer too small or input too large |
ALGO_ID_E | -133 | setting algo id error |
PUBLIC_KEY_E | -134 | setting public key error |
DATE_E | -135 | setting date validity error |
SUBJECT_E | -136 | setting subject name error |
ISSUER_E | -137 | setting issuer name error |
ASN_PARSE_E | -140 | ASN parsing error, invalid input |
ASN_VERSION_E | -141 | ASN version error, invalid number |
ASN_GETINT_E | -142 | ASN get big int error, invalid input |
ASN_RSA_KEY_E | -143 | ASN key init error, invalid input |
ASN_OBJECT_ID_E | -144 | ASN object id error, invalid id |
ASN_TAG_NULL_E | -145 | ASN tag error, not null |
ASN_EXPECT_0_E | -146 | ASN expect error, not zero |
ASN_BITSTR_E | -147 | ASN bit string error, wrong id |
ASN_UNKNOWN_OID_E | -148 | ASN oid error, unknown sum id |
ASN_DATE_SZ_E | -149 | ASN date error, bad size |
ASN_BEFORE_DATE_E | -150 | ASN date error, current date before |
ASN_AFTER_DATE_E | -151 | ASN date error, current date after |
ASN_SIG_OID_E | -152 | ASN signature error, mismatched oid |
ASN_TIME_E | -153 | ASN tiem error, unknown time type |
ASN_INPUT_E | -154 | ASN input error, not enough data |
ASN_SIG_CONFIRM_E | -155 | ASN sig error, confirm failure |
ASN_SIG_HASH_E | -156 | ASN sig error, unsupported hash type |
ASN_SIG_KEY_E | -157 | ASN sig error, unsupported key type |
ASN_DH_KEY_E | -158 | ASN key init error, invalid input |
ASN_NTRU_KEY_E | -159 | ASN ntru key decode error, invalid input |
BAD_FUNC_ARG | -173 | Bad function argument provided |
NOT_COMPILED_IN | -174 | Feature not compiled in |
UNICODE_SIZE_E | -175 | Unicode password too big |
NO_PASSWORD | -176 | no password provided by user |