wolfSSL Embedded SSL/TLS with Analog Devices Blackfin Processors
Developed with embedded devices and applications in mind, the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library has been written from the ground up focusing on several key priorities - including performance, feature set, low memory usage, and portability. wolfSSL is progressive in its support for current and upcoming protocol and cipher standards, including both client and server support for TLS 1.2, DTLS 1.2, AES-GCM, AES-CCM, and ECC to name a few. The combination of these traits make wolfSSL the perfect fit for secure communication on PIC32-based devices and applications. For a full list of features offered by wolfSSL, please see the product page.
wolfSSL is dual licensed under both the GPLv2 as well as a standard commercial license. For licensing information, please see the wolfSSL License Page, or contact us directly.
About Analog Devices Blackfin Processors

Blackfin® 16/32-bit embedded processors offer software flexibility and scalability for convergent applications: multi-format audio, video, voice and image processing, multimode baseband and packet processing, control processing, and real-time security. For more information, visit the ADI website at http://www.analog.com.